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University of Engineering and Technology UET Lahore

University of Engineering and Technology UET Lahore Admissions 2025

Admission 2025

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BS class admissions
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University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore and All its Campuses has advertised admission for the year 2023. UET Lahore is starting admission BS Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Business Administration, Business Information Technology, Food Sciences and Technology. These programs do not required ECAT. Those students who want to take admission in these programs Session 2023 must visit UET Lahore official site as soon as possible before the admission date closed. Last date of admission application is Feb 13, 2023.
Applications will be received online. Candidates are not required to visit the University. However, officials will be available to provide guidance to candidates, if they so require.
The admission process will start from Monday, January 16, 2023. The applicant needs to log on to our admission portal, via a token on payment of Rs.2,000/-. The token number can be obtained in two ways: a through HBL online banking if you are an HBL account holder, or b through HBL KONNECT if you are not an HBL account holder. In case of a and b the token number is your challan number, which is valid until Monday, February 13, 2023.
Online application filling and submission facility will be available at the UET admission portal, from 9:00 am, Monday, January 16, 2023. Prospective applicants are advised to follow the steps described in the Undergraduate Prospectus 2023, already available on the admission portal, for filling of admission application. Relevant documents need to be scanned and uploaded with the application.
Per the direction of Government of Punjab, 2% quota, for non-muslim applicants, has been reserved. Non-Muslim applicants can apply both on open merit categories and NM category, which is reserved for non-muslims.
Per the directions of Supreme Court of Pakistan DAE/diploma holders can apply on open merit seats in relevant disciplines.
Number of scholarships are available for admitted students. Last year scholarships were awarded to almost 60% of students on need/ merit basis.
Hostel Accommodation is provided subject to availability of space.

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Amad Ul Din
Admission guidance men city add kerny ka option ni a rha. Please chek it.
Lahore2023-01-11 19:58:36
Muhammad Ali
What is the fee structure of mphil food technology
Lahore2020-10-06 21:18:33

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