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Admission 2025

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1st Year class admissions
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Military College Murreejehlum,PAF College Srghodha/lowertipa and Cadet College Hasan Abdl is annouced admissions in the field of Army/Navy/Air force for PMA 144 course.Good opportunity for metric pass students admissions are open.


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M.Ehtasham Khal
Sir, I want know that, there is fee concession.
Murree2025-02-02 04:08:54
Ali Asghar Mazh
Inshallah i will ne the part of your college
Murree2025-01-16 19:42:36
Ali Asghar Mazh
Inshallah i will ne the part of your college
Murree2025-01-16 19:42:25
Millitary college murree is the best college .
Murree2024-12-21 13:13:03
Abdullah Ali
When will be result announced of viii class exam held on 3-11-2024?
Murree2024-12-06 11:56:25
Muhammad Saleem
Assalamualaikum dear sir, 8th class entry test Jo Nov 2024 main hua Hy uska result kb tk announce hoga, plz
Murree2024-12-03 15:00:09
Sir roll number is 3407 kindly check result
Murree2024-12-02 14:07:39
Muhammad Ahmad
Please result class 8 ka sent kre Roll no 1508
Murree2024-11-18 14:38:55
Sufiyan Ahmed
Sufiyan Ahmed class 7
Murree2024-11-08 15:31:39
Syed Ali Mehdi
what is the date of result military college murree 8 class 2024
Murree2024-11-03 13:35:44
Saif Ali Khan
Please provide roll number slip
Murree2024-11-02 14:30:49
please send the roll no slip of class 8 entry test
Murree2024-10-30 14:58:13
Ahmad Raza Baba
Sir plzzz RollNo #2120karesult send karna entry test 2024
Murree2024-09-25 10:30:04
Wajiha Kamal
I want to know the fee structure and criteria for admission in class 8 kindly share the details
Murree2024-09-10 14:11:14
Muhammad Ramzan
What is the result date of first year admission for lateral entry 2024
Murree2024-05-15 12:22:58
Zahid Nawaz
Admission schedule and fee structure of six to eight
Murree2024-05-11 14:42:56
Sikandar Ahmad
Sir kindly send the fee structure of 1st year ICS for 2024
Murree2024-03-23 02:20:52
Irfan Sharif
I will admissions in this school plzz contact me and all deals forward for me I am very glad for you plzz send me all details in this number.. thank you
Murree2024-01-13 16:03:03
Abdul Haseeb Sa
Hum ne bachy ka 1st year me admission karwana ha to kb apply kr sakty ha
Murree2024-01-12 17:59:40
Mujeeb Rehman
1st year scolarship kab aayen ge?
Murree2023-12-29 19:19:03
Rana Umer
Im a poor child but this is my dream that inshallah i will stand on my foot by this cadet college inshallah
Murree2023-12-24 04:19:08
Ayan Khan
sir my roll no is 8020 plz send my result
Murree2023-12-16 15:40:36
Atta Baloch
Is there any fee concession for balochistan student?
Murree2023-09-23 11:32:04
What is the fee structure of first Year
Murree2023-07-22 12:35:04
Assalamualaikum! What is fee structure for 1st year??? Kindly send me fee structure.
Murree2023-05-03 16:55:06
Salam. Sir mjy apny bety ko 7th class mein admition krwana ha. Kindly fees structure ki detail send kr den. Thanks
Murree2023-04-04 20:52:37
Ayesha Azhar
i want to take admission in army medical college
Murree2023-03-31 18:25:29
Raja Muhammad F
Aoa sir I want to now about admission procedure for my son Raja Muhammad Falak Shar S/O Muhammad Daud Raja student of class 7th in Lahore central Model High School lower mall thank you for your consideration
Murree2023-01-15 16:15:36
Plz send me fee stracture arms forces
Murree2022-11-21 20:08:30
Syeda Sabahat H
want to apply for admission in XI year.
Murree2022-08-26 19:02:45
Abdul Rehman
I want to apply for admission in XI year. How ca n i?
Murree2022-04-18 12:09:29
Muhammad Umair
AOA Admin Can You Tell Me how Can I apply For Admission In MCM
Murree2022-03-08 17:44:20
Muhammad Umair
AOA Admin Can You Tell Me how Can I apply For Admission In MCM
Murree2022-03-08 17:44:20
Abdul Ahad
Addmision in 1st year
Murree2022-02-20 07:30:41
Muhammad Saad U
Addmison in 1st year
Murree2021-05-02 04:24:56

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