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WMI Annual Exams 1446 AH Result Announces

WMI Annual Exams 1446 AH Result Announces

Wahdat ul Madaris Al-Arabia Pakistan has already managed their WMI All classes Annual Exams 1446 AH on the scheduled dates and time in the allotted exams centers. The WMI delivered the date sheet and roll no slips to the participating students so that they can attend the annual exams of their respective classes in time and after that the exams section has declared their result online. The students can get the latest updates of WMI Annual Exams 1446 AH Result Announces.

WMI Result Updates Online

The students can visit the official website of the board and they can download their result. The education board has uploaded the result online on the website and mobile phone app and the students can download from both by adding the year as 1446 AH.

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