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UOS Provisional Selection List BS 3 Year & Master Degree Programs 2024

UOS Provisional Selection List BS 3 Year & Master Degree Programs 2024

The Directorate of Admissions at the University of Sindh has unveiled the FIRST Provisional Selection List for BS 3rd Year and Master Degree Programs for the year 2024. This crucial step in the admission process marks the beginning of a new academic journey for many aspiring students.

Important Dates to Remember

Last Date for Objections: Tuesday, 19-12-2023, 04:00 PM

The selection criteria are clearly outlined, with a significant emphasis on academic achievements and performance in the Pre-Entry Test/Aptitude Test.

For the Masters Degree Program, the assessment is distributed as follows

S.S.C: 20%

H.S.C. adjusted marks: 30%

Bachelor Degree adjusted marks: 50%

Pre-Entry Test/Aptitude Test: 60%

Total: 100%

For the LL.M. Degree Program

S.S.C: 05%

H.S.C. adjusted marks: 05%

Bachelor Degree adjusted marks: 30%

Pre-Entry Test/Aptitude Test: 60%

Total: 100%

Prospective students are reminded to enter their CNIC numbers without hyphens, ensuring accurate data submission.

Its important to note that the provisional selection and admission are granted based on the information provided by the candidates. However, the University of Sindh maintains the right to rectify errors or omissions at any stage of the process. Moreover, the university reserves the authority to cancel provisional admissions without prior notice.

Provisional Selection List Released for University of Sindhs BS 3rd Year / Master Degree Programs 2024

This transparent approach underscores the commitment of the University of Sindh to uphold the integrity of the admissions process. As students eagerly await the finalization of their academic destiny, the universitys Developer Team, operating under the IT Services Centre, remains dedicated to ensuring a smooth and error-free process.

In conclusion, this announcement opens the door to a new chapter for aspiring students, emphasizing the importance of accurate information and adherence to the stipulated deadlines. As the academic journey unfolds, the University of Sindh reaffirms its commitment to excellence and fairness in the admission process.

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