UoS Interview Schedule 2018 Shortlisted Candidates

Sargodha, University of Sargodha has announced the schedule of interviews of the candidates for the appointment of professors in different departments in Sargodha University. Sargodha University received the application forms from the eligible candidates to appoint as professors in various departments. Now the administration of Sargodha University has issued the complete schedule for the interviews of the candidates. The candidates can watch the UoS Interview Schedule 2018 Shortlisted Candidates. The candidates will appear for interview in the registrar office from 26-10-2018 to 28-10-2018 and the finally selected candidates will be appointed against the vacant posts. The shortlisted candidates will check their names and date of their interviews and they will appear in their interview on the given dates.
You Can Get Interview Schedule Here,
UoS Interview Schedule 2018 Shortlisted Candidates