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UOP UMS Nursery & KG Classes Admission 2023

UOP UMS Nursery & KG Classes Admission 2023

University Model School starts the process of taking admission forms from candidates every year. According to the latest news, UOP announces UMS Nursery & K.G. classes admission 2023. Reservation forms are provided at the office of UMS during school time with a cash payment of 500 PKR, which is not refundable. The last date of submitting admission forms is February 10th, 2023. Admission is based on an initial test which students have to pass in order to take UMP UPesh Nursery and K.G. classes admission 2023. Candidates can visit the official website of the UMS University of Peshawar to take more information about the test date and time. University Model School also mentioned some requirements on the official website which candidates have to read first. An incomplete form will not be acceptable so the form will be filled completely with accurate information.

UOP UMS Nursery & KG Classes Admission 2023

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