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UoP MS MPhil and PhD Admission Spring 2022 2023

UoP MS MPhil and PhD Admission Spring 2022 2023

University of Peshawar Admissions 2022-23 details for said spring semester of 2022-23 were recently published. Applicants can apply for admission to UoP one of professional MS, MPhil and PhD Programs. Among the programs available to students Management Studies, Computer Sciences, Archaeology, Biotechnology and Microbiology, Chemical Studies, Economics, Electronics, Environmental Sciences, Geology, International Relation, LLM, Physical Chemistry, Pakistan Study and Many other programs  . Candidates can apply for UoP admission 2022-23 online by visiting their official website. Admission will be on the basis of entry test which will be commences on 6th to 10th February 2023. Those Student who want to take admission in these programs must apply before last date. Last date of submission of application is Feb 01, 2023.
Candidates having relevant BS/M.A/M.Sc degree or equivalent minimum 16 years of education with at least CGPA of 2.5 out of 4 in Semester System or 2o Division in Annual System from a HEC recognized University, shall be eligible for admission.
Candidates should have to pass 50% HAT/NTS/ETC/ETS/ LAW-GAT or University own test.
Candidates having relevant BS/M.A/M.Sc/MS/MPhil/LLM minimum 16 years of education degree with at least CGPA of 3.0 out of 4 in Semester System or 1" Division in the Annual System from HEC recognized University, shall be eligible for admission. The candidates should have to pass 60% HAT/NTS/ETC/ETS or University own test. Submission of the Statement of Purpose by the scholar along with the application form.
Please download MS/M.Phil/LLM & PhD admission form along with fee voucher from University of Peshawar official website by depositing Rs.1500/-in any UBL branch.
Admission form along with relevant documents should be submitted to Room No.102, Directorate of Admissions on or before February 1st, 2023.
A candidate having valid score card of HAT/NTS/ETC/ETS, is not required to appear
in the said test to be conducted by the concerned department/institute/ centre/college for spring, session 2022-23 admissions.
The concerned department/institute/centre/college has to inform the eligible candidates for departmental test date and venue.
Only those candidates will be considered for admission whose results are duly declared/notified by the Controller of Examinations on or before 1" February, 2023.

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