UoP MA/MSc Admission Test 2018 NTS

Peshawar, University of Peshawar has announced the admissions in the UoP MA/MSc classes for the year 2018. The admission department of Peshawar University announced admissions in UoP MA/MSc classes in the AHSS, CIS, BIOS, PNS and IOS disciplines. The students submitted their admission forms to get admission in their relevant disciplines. National Testing Service, NTS has conducted the admission tests of the candidates and the students can get the latest updates of their UoP MA/MSc Admissions NTS Test Result 2018 online. The students will check their marks in their UoP MA/MSc admission test result 2018 online, which is provided there for the information and facility of the candidates.
You Can get NTS Admission Test Result Here,
UoP MA/MSc Admission Test 2018 NTS