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UoK LLB Result 2018

UoK LLB Result 2018

Karachi, University of Karachi managed the UoK LLB class part I & II annual exams 2017 and after the exams, the exams department of Karachi University started checking of the LLB class papers for part 1 and 2 and now Karachi University has announced the UoK LLB part 1 and 2 result 2018 for the annual exams. The students can find their roll nos online, which show that the students have passed their exams and they can get the detailed mark sheet in few days to check their marks in all subjects.

According to detail of UoK LLB exams, total 1819 students appeared in the UoK LLB class part 1 and 2 annual exams 2017, in which 1144 students were declared successful in the exams with the passing percentage of 65.94%.

you Can get Result Here.
UoK LLB Result 2018

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