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UOG and All Engineering Institution of Punjab Combined Entry Test 2023

UOG and All Engineering Institution of Punjab Combined Entry Test 2023

Every one to be informed that University of Gujrat and All Engineering Institution of Punjab has announced the schedule of combined entry test for admission in BSc Engineering and BSc Engineering Technology for the Academic year 2023. According to UOG Combined Entry test will be start From 13 to 17 March 2023. All the candidate who want to take admission in BSc Engineering and BSc Engineering Technology are directed to reach their center. Candidate can download entry test schedule from university official website.
A common Entrance Test for admission into B.Sc. Engineering and B.Sc. Engineering Technology Programs of the Punjab would in shaa Allah be conducted in the Second week of March. The test center, date and time for both the Orientation Session and the Entrance Test will be chosen by the candidate and will be printed on their Admit Card. For further details and updates kindly regularly visit the admission portal. The Entrance Test will in shaa Allah be held from Monday through Friday ie., 13 to 17 March, 2023 in the above Centers at the allotted time.
Last date for data entry and generation of Admit Card online is Friday, March 3, 2023. Reprint of Admit Cards is permitted until the day of the test. Kindly visit the admission portal for instructions and details. 
The Test would be of intermediate level. It will be offered in the following combinations: 1 Physics, Mathematics, English and Chemistry: 2 Physics, Mathematics, English and Computer Science; 3 Physics, Mathematics, English and Statistics and 4 Physics, Biology, English and Chemistry. The duration of the Test will be hundred minutes. Ten questions will be related to English and the rest, i.e., ninety, will equally be divided amongst the other subjects. Each correct answer is worth four points and for every incorrect answer one point will be deducted. Minimum passing score in the Entrance Test is 33%.

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