UOB Quetta BA BSc Supply Exams 2019-20 Extended Schedule

The University of Balochistan UOB, Quetta is informing all the concerned candidates of bachelors on behalf of the submitting admission applications for appearing in the UOB Quetta BA BSc Supply Exams 2019 that all candidates will now follow the UOB Quetta BA BSc Supply Exams 2019 Extended Schedule. The candidates who whether they are appearing in the UOB BA BSC Supply Exams 2019 as regular candidates or private candidates will follow the UOB Bachelors Supply Exams Form & Fee Submission Schedule as given below:
The candidates will submit their Examination Forms & Fee without late fee up to 10-03-2020, with double fee up to 16-03-2020 and with triple fee up to 23-02-2020. The UOB BA BSc Supplementary Exams 2019 Schedule will be announced later. All candidates are advised to check the fee structure carefully and follow the instructions and schedule to apply for the admissions 2020.