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University of the Punjab PU Announces Eid Holidays

University of the Punjab PU Announces Eid Holidays

The holy month of Ramadan is approaching to till conclusion and the Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr as the thanksgiving day on 1st of Shawal. All of the institutes and departments are closed on this great day by announcing their holidays on account of Eid ul Fitr. University of the Punjab has announced their holidays from 31-03-2025 to 04-04-2025 as the eid will be celebrated. The students, faculty staff, admin staff and others will note that PU Announces Eid Holidays from 31 March to 04 Apr.

PU Eid Holidays Instructions

The academic and administrative activities in Punjab University will remain close during the holidays. The university has also announced that the additional holidays will also be compensated or adjusted with working days on Saturdays, as and when it would need.

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