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UHS Public Sector 2nd College Wise Selection Merit list 2023-24

UHS Public Sector 2nd College Wise Selection Merit list 2023-24

In the pursuit of fostering excellence in healthcare education and advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge, the University of Health Sciences UHS in Punjab has released the Second College-Wise Selection List for Admission to Public Sector Medical Colleges. This announcement comes as a crucial step in shaping the future of aspiring medical professionals for the session 2023-2024.

University of Health Sciences UHS: Second College-Wise Selection List for Medical Admissions in Punjab

Health and Science, the two pillars of UHS, are the driving forces behind this meticulous selection process. The Second Selection List, published on December 23, 2023, is a result of a comprehensive evaluation of seats vacated and allocations from the Waiting List. The selection adheres strictly to the PROCEDURE & CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION outlined in the Prospectus 2023-2024.

Important Note

Successfully selected candidates from the Waiting List must promptly access their fee challan through the Admission Application Portal. Subsequently, the candidates are required to submit the college fee at the nearest branch of the Bank of Punjab BOP within three working days, with the due date set for Thursday, December 28, 2023.

To confirm admission, candidates must meet two essential requirements: timely payment of the prescribed college fee and other dues, and marking their joining in written form at their respective colleges by the specified deadline. These actions are imperative for official recognition of admission to the program.

Candidates upgraded from their allocated colleges, as per the First Selection List displayed on December 15, 2023, are exempt from paying fees. However, they must report in writing to their respective upgraded colleges to retain their upgraded seat.

Failure to fulfill fee payment and reporting obligations within the stipulated period will lead to exclusion from the admission/upgradation process. The UHS emphasizes the authority of the Vice Chancellor to review the selection list in cases of errors, lapses, mistakes, fraud, or misrepresentation reported before or after the completion of the Selection Process.

Inclusion in this Selection List is a significant milestone, yet candidates must remain vigilant. The UHS, through its commitment to excellence, ensures that only eligible candidates are granted the privilege of admission, reinforcing its position as a beacon of healthcare education in Punjab.

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