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UHS Announces MBBS New Curriculum

UHS Announces MBBS New Curriculum

University of Health Sciences Lahore has introduced the new and integrated MBBS syllabus, which will be implemented from academic year 2022-23. In this curriculum, the students will study the basic and clinical subjects and it will make the students able to get the clinical orientation from the very first day. The students can get detailed information that UHS Announces MBBS New Curriculum.

The medical students will get the important features of the new curriculum, which are professionalism, research, ethics, leadership and information technology. The new syllabus will also cover the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran.
UHS has conducted their 46th meeting of the HES Board of Studies Medicine and it was decided to bring some changes in the years old MBBS course. The Vice Chancellor of UHS chaired this meeting. The representatives of the public and private medical colleges affiliated with UHS attended the meeting and they endorsed the decision of UHS regarding new curriculum. The VC said that under the previous course, the students studied the basic medical subjects for first two years and they start the clinical subjects in third year. The head of the committee said that this syllabus was changed on the directions of World Federation of Medical Education WFME and Pakistan Medical Commission PMC.

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