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UAF Faisalabad Admission Winter 2018-19

UAF Faisalabad Admission Winter 2018-19

Faisalabad, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) has started the admission process for the winter semester 2018-19. The applications are invited for grant of admission in the postgraduate degree programs in the main campus of Agriculture University Faisalabad and the sub campuses of TT Singh and Burewala (Vehari) from the candidates, who possessed the degrees from the HEC recognized universities.

Agriculture University Faisalabad is granting admissions in the morning, evening, weekend programs, and the students are asked to submit their admission forms, which they can download from the website of the university. The students will appear in the entry test being conducted on 28-6-2018 and they will pay the bank draft of Rs.2000/- till 25-6-2018. The qualified students will submit their admission forms by the closing date of 17 August 2018 through the online portal.


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