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Sindh Announces School Holiday Before Eid Eid-ul-Fitr

Sindh Announces School Holiday Before Eid Eid-ul-Fitr

The Sindh government has declared a public holiday for all public and private schools on the occasion of Shab-e-Qadr. According to an official notification from the School Education & Literacy Department, all educational institutions across the province will remain closed on Friday, March 28 27th Ramadan in honor of this sacred night. This decision was finalized during a sub-committee meeting of the Steering Committee on Education on November 28, 2024. The students can check the fresh updates of Sindh Declares School Holiday Before Eid.
Eid-ul-Fitr Expected to Begin on March 31

Preparations for Eid-ul-Fitr are underway, with the festival expected to start on Monday, March 31. The Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Suparco has projected that the Shawwal moon will appear on March 29, with its sighting likely on March 30. Consequently, Eid celebrations are expected to begin on March 31.

Official Eid Holidays Announced

The federal government has also issued a notification declaring official public holidays for Eid-ul-Fitr. As per the Cabinet Division’s announcement, a three-day holiday will be observed from Monday, March 31, to Wednesday, April 2, allowing citizens to celebrate the occasion nationwide.

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