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Punjab Govt Launches New Laptop Distribution Program

Punjab Govt Launches New Laptop Distribution Program

The Punjab government has unveiled a fresh laptop distribution program aimed at students, particularly those in higher education. This initiative represents a major step forward in supporting academic excellence. The students can get the latest updates of Punjab Govt Launches New Laptop Distribution Program.

Distribution of High-Performance Laptops

Under this scheme, a total of 110,000 high-performance laptops featuring 13th-generation Core-i7 processors will be allocated to deserving candidates. The program specifically targets first- and second-semester BS students enrolled in public sector universities, along with medical students. Selection will be based on merit to ensure fairness.

Eligibility Criteria for Applicants

Students seeking to benefit from this initiative must meet specific academic requirements. BS students must have secured a minimum of 65% in their intermediate examinations, whereas medical students are required to have attained at least 80% to qualify.

Online Registration Gains Rapid Traction

The online portal for applications is already active, and within just a few hours of its launch, thousands of students have registered. The overwhelming response highlights the enthusiasm among students for this opportunity.

Massive Student Participation in Early Hours

According to official statements, over 34,000 students successfully registered within the initial hours of the portal’s activation, reflecting the high demand and eagerness for participation in the program.

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