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Poonch University BSCS 2nd Entry Test 2020

Poonch University BSCS 2nd Entry Test 2020

University of Poonch is going to offer admissions to the students in the Poonch University BS(CS) & BS(SE) admission 2020 and the students forwarded their application forms. Now the admission department of the university has completed the documentation of the students and after that now Poonch University is going to manage their Poonch University BSCS 2nd Entry Test 2020 on 28-09-2020 at 10:00 am in the exams halls. The students can get the detailed information of the admission test, which will be comprised of the subjects including Mathematics, English and Computer and total marks of the test will be 100 marks. The students will follow the Poonch University BSCS admission test 2020 SOPs for the coronavirus and it will be compulsory for the students to wear the facemasks.

Poonch University BSCS 2nd Entry Test 2020


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