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PMDC National Equivalence Exam for Foreign Medical Students

PMDC National Equivalence Exam for Foreign Medical Students

The National Equality Examination was administered to students who have completed their medical and dental programs in foreign institutions and are seeking transfer and admission to Medical and Dental Colleges in Pakistan.

On 23 May, the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council PM&DC conducted the National Equivalence Examination NEB in accordance with the decision made by the newly elected council. The examination took place at Rawalpindi Medical University RMU. 

 A total of 512 candidates were scheduled to take the examination, but only 370 candidates appeared for the test.

After a comprehensive review and meticulous scrutiny of all the papers, the results were compiled and prepared by RMU.

The NEB results were announced by the PM&DC and uploaded to its official website.

Students can check their results by visiting the website

The President of PM&DC stated that the council has granted special concessions to Pakistani girls studying in Afghanistan, whose education had been banned by the Afghan government. He further mentioned that the NEB examination will be conducted twice a year to evaluate the knowledge, clinical skills, and professional abilities of students who have partially completed their medical and dental programs in foreign institutions and are seeking transfer and admission to any medical and dental college in Pakistan. 

 The President of PM&DC emphasized the councils commitment to maintaining the highest quality standards across Pakistan in line with international s. He stated that obtaining accreditation from the World Federation for Medical Education WFME is their top priority and efforts are underway to expedite the process.

He further added that all colleges have been instructed to establish a research cell and quality assurance department to meet the accreditation criteria set by WFME.

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