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PMC Announces MDCAT Test Syllabus 2023

PMC Announces MDCAT Test Syllabus 2023

The Pakistan Medical Commission PMC has recently made an important announcement regarding the syllabus for the upcoming Medical and Dental College Admission Test MDCAT in 2023. After extensive consultations with various stakeholders, the finalized syllabus has been designed to ensure that it aligns with the current syllabi of all educational boards across Pakistan. This ensures that no topic falls outside the scope of the existing syllabus. The students can get the detailed updates that PMC Announces MDCAT Test Syllabus 2023.

The syllabus for MDCAT 2023 was officially announced after the National Medical and Dental Councils meeting, which took place on June 04, 2023. It reflects the collective efforts and input from experts in the field, aiming to maintain a comprehensive and standardized assessment for aspiring medical and dental students.

The Subject Weightage in MDCAT 2023:

The distribution of subjects in the MDCAT 2023 remains consistent with the previous year. The weightage assigned to each subject is as follows: Biology 34%, Chemistry 27%, Physics 27%, English 9%, and Logical Reasoning 3%. This balanced distribution allows for a holistic evaluation of the candidates knowledge and skills in various scientific and analytical domains.

The MDCAT Paper Structure:

The MDCAT paper for 2023 will consist of a total of 200 multiple-choice questions MCQs based on the approved subject weightage. These questions will assess the candidates understanding and proficiency in the relevant topics. The inclusion of a diverse range of questions ensures a comprehensive evaluation of the applicants aptitude in the required areas of study.

The PMCs commitment to maintaining a standardized and fair assessment process is evident in the careful development of the MDCAT syllabus. By aligning it with the existing syllabi of all educational boards in Pakistan, the commission aims to provide a level playing field for all aspiring medical and dental students, ensuring that they are well-prepared and equipped with the necessary knowledge to succeed.

It is crucial for aspiring candidates to familiarize themselves with the MDCAT syllabus and dedicate sufficient time and effort to cover all the relevant topics. Additionally, staying updated with any further announcements or guidelines issued by the PMC regarding the test will be essential to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

MDCAT 2023 Structure
Total number of MCQs: 200
Duration of MDCAT: 3.5 hours
Format: Paper-based MCQs
Minimum pass marks for Medical College Admission: 65%
Minimum pass marks for Dental College Admission: 55%
No negative marking

MDCAT 2023 Difficulty level
20 % MCQs ----- Easy
60% MCQs ------Moderate
20% MCQs ------Hard

In Biology, Chemistry, and Physics sections, 70% of questions will be recalled and 30% will be application-level.

Content list for Biology syllabus for MDCAT 2023
Biodiversity acellular life/ variety of life
Biological Molecules
Cell Structure and Function
Coordination and control/ nervous & chemical Coordination
Diversity among Animals
Life process in Animals & Plants nutrition/ gaseous exchange/ transport
Support & Movement
Variation & genetics/ inheritance

Content list for Chemistry syllabus for MDCAT 2023
Introduction to fundamental concepts of chemistry
Atomic Structure
Chemical Equilibrium
Reaction Kinetics
Thermo-chemistry and Energetics of chemical reactions
Chemical bonding
S and p block elements
Transition Elements
Fundamental principles of organic chemistry
Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
Alkyl halides
Alcohols & phenols
Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic acid

Content list for Physics syllabus for MDCAT 2023
Force and motion
Work and energy
Rotational and circular motion
Current Electricity
Electromagnetic Induction
Dawn of Modern Physics
Atomic spectra
Nuclear Physics

Content list for English for MDCAT 2023
High and low-frequency words from the course book or to be selected from similar contexts or the contexts the HSSC and CIE students may be familiar with.
All present, and past tenses
Four types of sentences,
Conditionals Types of clauses

Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking
Letter and symbol series
Logical deduction
Logical problems
Course of action
Cause & effect

PMC Announces MDCAT Test Syllabus 2023

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