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PIFD BS Programs Admission Fall 2023

PIFD BS Programs Admission Fall 2023

The highly acclaimed Pakistan Institute of Fashion Design PIFD is now accepting applications for Fall 2023 admissions. As a premier institution in the realm of fashion education, PIFD offers a diverse range of programs, catering to aspiring students in various creative disciplines. The available classes for admission include BS Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Merchandising, Textile Design, Jewellery Design and Gemological Sciences, Furniture Design and Manufacturing, Leather Accessories and Footwear, and Ceramic and Glass Design.

Applicants are urged to mark their calendars with important dates to avoid missing out on this excellent opportunity. The last date for submission of admission Application forms is 12th August 2023. Aspiring students will face an entry test on 20th August 2023, followed by interviews scheduled from 29th August to 1st September 2023.

Prepare to embark on an enriching journey of creativity, innovation, and excellence at PIFD. Dont miss the chance to shape your future in the exciting world of fashion and design.

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