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PEC Declares ICS Students Eligibility for Admissions to Engineering Programs

PEC Declares ICS Students Eligibility for Admissions to Engineering Programs

In a recent and noteworthy development, the Pakistan Engineering Council PEC has made a significant amendment to its admission policy. ICS students, who have studied Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, are now eligible to apply for admissions to all engineering programs offered across the country. However, they will be required to clear Chemistry as a remedial subject or course during the first semester after their admission. The students can know that PEC Declares ICS Students Eligibility for Admissions to All Engineering Programs

Amendment to Eligibility Criteria

According to PEC Regulation No PEC/EAD/46-VCCM/Regulations/2003, dated 30th March 2023, candidates with a combination of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Studies/Computer Science ICS are now eligible to apply for all engineering programs. This amendment opens up new opportunities for ICS students who wish to pursue a career in engineering.

Chemistry as a Remedial Subject

To ensure a well-rounded education in engineering, the amendment mandates ICS students to clear Chemistry as a remedial subject or course in the first semester after their admission. This requirement aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles of engineering.

Notification by PEC

PEC has released an official notification regarding this amendment. The notification states that the 46th Vice Chancellors Committee VCC approved the amendment in its meeting held on February 2, 2023. The notification further provides detailed guidelines for eligibility criteria and the inclusion of ICS students for engineering program admissions.

Universities Accepting ICS Students

Several universities have already implemented this policy change and are now accepting ICS students for all engineering programs. Some of these universities include the prestigious National University of Science & Technology NUST, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology GIK Institute - GIKI in Topi, University of Engineering and Technology UET Peshawar, Air University Islamabad, and University of Management & Technology UMT Lahore.

This amendment by PEC signifies a progressive step towards inclusivity and expanding opportunities for ICS students aspiring to pursue engineering careers. By broadening the eligibility criteria, PEC aims to nurture and harness the potential of these students, contributing to the advancement of the engineering sector in Pakistan.


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