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Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences PIMS Islamabad Admission 2023

Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences PIMS Islamabad Admission 2023

The College of Nursing at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences PIMS in Islamabad has announced the admission 2023 notice for the One Year Post Basic Specialized Nursing Program for the session 2023. Here are the key details:
Programs Offered at PIMS

Anesthesia Nursing
Cardiac Care Unit Nursing
Critical Care Unit Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
Pediatrics Nursing
Peri-Operative Nursing
Trauma & Emergency Nursing
Quota for All Programs: There are 25 seats available for each program, distributed among various categories as follows:

Federal Hospitals including PIMS, NIRM, Fed Hosp. CDA & FGPC
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa K.P.K & FATA
Gilgit Baltistan
Azad Jammu & Kashmir Govt.
Defense Services
Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates must hold a 3-year General Nursing Diploma.
Female candidates should also have a 1-year Midwifery Diploma.
Valid Pakistan Nursing Council PNC Registration card is required no result waiting candidates.
Candidates must provide a copy of verified Diploma of General Nursing and Midwifery for females and PNC registration card with their admission application.
Admission Process:

Admission forms and prospectus can be obtained from College of Nursing, PIMS, G-8/3, Islamabad, upon payment of Rs. 1000/-.
Duly completed forms, along with attested copies of testimonials and required documents, should be sent to the Office of the Principal, College of Nursing, PIMS, G-8/3, Islamabad by 23rd September 2023. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
The last date for submission of admission forms is 3rd October 2023.
A written test of 100 marks will be conducted on 7th October 2023, with a passing mark of 40.
The list of successful candidates shortlisted for an interview will be displayed on 9th October 2023. Interviews will be held on 10th October 2023.
Government departmental nurses should apply through their respective health departments for nomination/deputation.
For any further information or clarifications, you can contact the College of Nursing, PIMS, G-8/3, Islamabad.

This information is based on the provided admission notice, and I recommend that you visit the College of Nursing, PIMS, or contact them directly for the most up-to-date and detailed information regarding the admission process and requirements.

 Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences PIMS Islamabad Admission 2023

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