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NUMS MDCAT Result 2023

NUMS MDCAT Result 2023

The National University of Medical Sciences NUMS conducted the MDCAT 2023 examination on September 03, 2023. Typically, NUMS announces the MDCAT results within a week or a maximum of 10 days after the test date. As for the NUMS MDCAT Result 2023, it is anticipated to be officially disclosed on September 18, 2023. To access your result, you can visit the official NUMS website and provide your CNIC along with the Captcha code for verification. This examination served as the gateway for admission to Army Medical College and CMH medical colleges administered by NUMS.

NUMS MDCAT Result 2023

The NUMS MDCAT 2023 is a crucial requirement for gaining admission to Army Medical colleges and affiliated private medical institutions. NUMS Results 2023 is expected to release further details regarding the admissions to its associated medical colleges soon. Prospective candidates will be required to submit their applications online through the NUMS portal, separately for Army Medical College and its affiliated private medical colleges.

NUMS MDCAT Result 2023 Announcement

The NUMS MDCAT Result 2023 is set to be uploaded to the NUMS official website, tentatively on September 18. Students will be able to access their results by providing their roll number and CNIC. Its worth noting that NUMS will announce the results in terms of percentages, as marks in numerical values will not be disclosed due to the specific paper pattern employed by NUMS.

How to Check NUMS MDCAT Result 2023

To check your NUMS MDCAT Result 2023 Announce Date, visit the official NUMS website at On the website, you will be prompted to enter your CNIC for result retrieval.

NUMS Closing Merit

In the previous year, the closing merit for Army Medical College AMC stood at an impressive 95%. However, this year, owing to the perceived difficulty of the entry test in comparison to the previous year, it is anticipated that the AMC merit may close at a slightly lower range of 93-94%.

For NUMS-affiliated private medical colleges, the closing merit was recorded at 85% in the preceding year. This year, the anticipated closing merit is projected to be around 83%.

NUMS MDCAT Result 2023: Click Here!

National University of Medical Sciences NUMS Courses Admissions 2025

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