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NDU M.Phil Program Final Term Examination Date Sheet Fall 2023 Semester

NDU M.Phil Program Final Term Examination Date Sheet Fall 2023 Semester

The National Defence Universitys Examination Branch has released the highly anticipated date sheet for the final term examinations of the Fall 2023 Semester for the Master of Philosophy M.Phil Program. This announcement is pertinent to the departments of Government & Public Policy GPP, Economics, Peace & Conflict Studies PCS, Strategic Studies SS, International Relations IR, and Leadership & Management Studies LMS at the Faculty of Contemporary Studies.

Important Highlights

Seminar on National and International Security SS-262 Notably, there will be no written paper for SS-262. Instead, students enrolled in this course are required to submit comprehensive research papers or engaging presentations. This approach fosters a more in-depth understanding of the subject matter and encourages practical application of knowledge.

Strict Examination Hall Regulations

Emphasizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of the examination process, students are explicitly prohibited from bringing mobile phones, laptops, notes, or any unauthorized material into the examination hall. To enforce this, mobile phones must be deposited at designated collection points outside the examination halls. Any possession of such items may result in the initiation of the "use of unfair means" process, potentially leading to rustication or expulsion from the University.

Midterm Result Entry

The responsibility for accurately entering midterm results in ACADMAX, in accordance with the schedule, lies with the concerned faculty members. This meticulous approach ensures transparency and accountability in recording academic progress.

It is imperative for all M.Phil students to adhere to these guidelines, as they are designed to create a fair and conducive environment for examinations. Prohibiting mobile phones during exams is a significant measure to prevent any form of academic dishonesty, aligning with the Universitys commitment to upholding academic excellence and integrity.

In conclusion, the National Defence University NDU M.Phil Date Sheet Final Examination 2023 Semester is dedicated to providing a rigorous and transparent examination process for M.Phil students, preparing them for scholarly achievements and contributions in their respective fields.

NDU M.Phil Program Final Term Examination Date Sheet Fall 2023 Semester

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