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NCA BS Fine Art Semester 1st and 3rd Exam Spring 2023 Result

NCA BS Fine Art Semester 1st and 3rd Exam Spring 2023 Result

The National College of Arts NCA has announced the much-awaited results for the NCA BS Fine Art Semester 1st and 3rd exams held in Spring 2023. Students were eagerly anticipating their results, and the NCA has finally released them, bringing both excitement and relief. The exams covered a wide range of subjects, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, and printmaking, among others.

The NCA Exam results 2023 reflect the hard work, dedication, and creativity of the students who participated in the exams. It is a testament to their artistic abilities and commitment to their craft. The NCA takes pride in nurturing and developing talented individuals in the field of fine arts, and the results highlight the institutions excellence in education.

Students can access their results online or visit the NCA campus to obtain their detailed scorecards. The NCA congratulates all the successful candidates and encourages them to continue exploring their artistic endeavors. For those who may not have achieved the desired outcome, the NCA offers guidance and support to help them improve and excel in future semesters.

NCA BS Fine Art Semester 1st and 3rd Exam Spring 2023 Result

NCA BS Fine Art Semester 1st and 3rd Exam Spring 2023 Result

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