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National University of Modern Languages Admission Fall 2020

National University of Modern Languages Admission Fall 2020

National University of Modern Language NUML has announced admissions in BS English, BS Mass Communication, BS Islamic Studies, BS Pak Studies, BS IR, BS PCS, BS Governance and Public Policy, BS Psychology, BS ML, BS CS, BS SE, BS Electrical Engineering, BS Education, B.Ed, BBA, B.Com, BS Mathematics, M.Com, MA English, MA Education, MA Peace and Conflict, M.Sc International Relations, M.Sc Economics, M.Sc Psychology, M.Sc Mass Communication, MA Islamiyat, MA Pakistan Studies, MCS, MBA, M.Com, M.Phil International Relations, M.Phil English, M.Phil Education, MA EPM, PhD English, MSBA, Functional Courses, Language Courses, Turkish Language, German Language, Spanish Language, Hindi Language, Chinese Language, Urdu Language, Arabic Language in NUML Islamabad Campus, Karachi Campus, Peshawar Campus, Hyderabad Campus, Faisalabad Campus, Gwadar Campus, Lahore Campus.

The last date for Submission of Online Admission Form is 02 December 2019.

National University of Modern Languages Islamabad admission 2020

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