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Military College Jhelum Admission 2023

Military College Jhelum  Admission 2023

Admission 2023  for Military College Jhelum for the year 2024. Heres a summary of the key points:

Admission for Class VIII - Year 2024:

Application Deadline:

Without late fee: September 30, 2023
With double fee: October 10, 2023
With triple fee: October 20, 2023
Application Procedure:

After submitting the online application, aspirants should fill the provided challan form and deposit the admission registration fee at any online branch of Habib Bank Limited.
Registration Fee:

Children of Army Officers Serving and Retired: Rs. 2100
Children of Junior Commissioned Officers and Soldiers Present Veterans: Rs. 1600
Civilians, including children of Civil Armed Forces, Navy, Air Force, MES, Rangers, FC, and Coast Guard, etc.: Rs. 2600

Age Limit: The candidates age should be 12 to 14 years as of April 1, 2024. Exceptions can be made with permission from the competent authority.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have passed the 7th class or be appearing in the examination during the 7th class to apply.
Only boys are eligible to apply.
Ineligible Candidates:

Candidates who have been expelled on disciplinary grounds from cadet colleges under the armed forces or provincial administration.
Candidates who have submitted mutilated educational credentials and Form B.
Candidates above or below the specified age limit.
Those declared unfit by the Medical Board.
Candidates providing incorrect information in the application form.
Girls are not eligible to apply for this entry test.
Selection Procedure:

The written test will be held on Sunday, October 29, 2023. The test will cover English, Urdu, Mathematics, General Science, and Islamiat Study Pakistan for non-Muslim candidates from the books of the Federal and Punjab Text Book Boards for grades five, six, and seven.
Objective and essay papers are available on the college website.
Successful candidates in the written examination will be called for an intelligence test and interview.
The final selection will be among the successful candidates in all stages.

Some students may be sent for a period of 02 years to the cadet colleges of the Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy under the Military Education and Training after passing the tenth annual examination.

Incomplete applications, incorrect fee amounts, and applications received after the deadline will not be accepted, and the institution will not be responsible for such cases.
The College is not authorized to refund the registration fee under any circumstances.
Any changes to the date of the written examination will be announced on the institutions website.
Please ensure that you check the college website and follow the given instructions for a successful application process.

Military College Jhelum  Admission 2023

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