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HEC Zoom Online Classes Replace with Advanced Service

HEC Zoom Online Classes Replace with Advanced Service

Microsoft supports the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan with the provision of the teams for the official online and remote learning interactions in over 100 public and private universities being located in Pakistan. Due to COVID-19, the universities are also closed and they stopped the class room academic activities and the HEC had to start the distance learning education for the students, who are staying at home during this pandemic situation in the country. HEC Zoom Online Classes Replace with Advanced Service in More Than 100 Universities.

The chairman of HEC said that they have developed the strong collaboration with Microsoft for the research and innovation, capacity building and the provision of service by Office 365.


The functions of Whiteboard in the Teams are developed for live interactive environment and the educators are able to moderate class room discussions, recording and sharing control. Now the educators have become able to create and grade the quizzers in the teams using Microsoft forms.

Microsoft Flipgrid

There are different tools, which have brought the revolutions in education and increase the experience of the educators and learners including Microsoft flipgrid in order to engage the students by creating and sharing the short videos. Flipgrid is added with Immersive Reader to read the text out loud and it offers reading help and the features of accessibility to ensure the students that they can participate. It enables the students and learners to express themselves.

Microsoft Streams

The educators can make the Microsoft streams in order to record the lectures by providing the automatic access through the classroom channels on the Teams. They can have the assignments and other class materials on One Note to provide the repository as the materials are organized and they can have easy access.

Security and Privacy

They said that they are well aware of online safety for the students by transition to new way of learning. Microsoft 365 service follows the security best practices and procedures including service level security through customer control, defense in depth, security hardening and operational best practices in order to protect the customers from the security threats.

Education Transformation Framework

HEC and Microsoft created the Education Transformation Framework, which is the foundational agreement and it is modeled on pillars of capacity building, outreach campaigns, skill certification and annual Imagine Cup competition. The digital transformation is the indisputable force, which has created the revolution in our industries, redefining the services, reinventing the products and shape the style, in which we work.

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