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HEC Cuba Govt Undergraduate Medicine Scholarship 2022-23

HEC Cuba Govt Undergraduate Medicine Scholarship 2022-23

The government of Cuba has awarded one scholarship to the students in undergraduate Medicine field. This scholarship is offered to the Pakistani students for the year 2022-23. The candidates will avail HEC Cuba Govt Undergraduate Medicine Scholarship 2022-23.

The candidates must have at least 70% marks in FSc / A level Pre-Medical and 60% or above marks in the matric or SSC class / O level. All Pakistani and AJK national students, whose age is between 18 to 25 years on the closing date of the application are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
The selection of the candidates will be done on merit and the merit formula includes 50% marks in FSc and 50% marks in matric class.

The Cuban government will provide the facilities like

Tuition fees
Hostel accommodation & toiletries
Food according to rules of Cuba

Contribution to living expenses as stipend as 100 Cuban Peso per month. The students and their parents or guardians will borne other expenses like round trip air-tickets, medical insurance disease or other causes, buying of halal food and visa fee.

The Cuban government will provide the one time grant of Rs.300,000/- to the scholarship awardee after his departure to Cuba but the scholar should have active bank account in Pakistan. 

The candidates can apply online through online and after registering and filling the profile, the candidates will select the ‘Learning opportunities abroad’ and this application portal will be closed on 12 September 2022. The candidates will reach to the official web page of HEC and they will read the complete information of the required documents and they will provide all educational documents with Spanish translation. The candidates will ensure that their application forms are fully completed and incomplete applications will be rejected.

Candidates Can Apply Online From Here:
HEC Cuba Govt Undergraduate Medicine Scholarship 2022-23 Online Apply

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I am belongs poor family my family cant afford fees so Its my request give me any chance high
Hyderabad2022-09-17 08:11:34
I am poor I can not afford my free to center and school so pleas give me a chance for study
Mirpur Khas2022-08-31 06:48:45

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