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HEC Announces Merit Formula on Matric & 1st Year Marks

HEC Announces Merit Formula on  Matric & 1st Year Marks

Higher Education Commission has announced that the admission will be granted to the students in the colleges and universities on the basis of the merit formula. Due to worsening condition of Coronavirus pandemic across the country, the federal government decided not to conduct the matric and intermediate annual exams this year and the students will be promoted to next class on the basis of the marks and performance of the students in their previous class or year. HEC announced to promote the students to the next classes this year and issued the directives to all universities to set up the merit on the basis of marks in matric and inter part 1 class. HEC Announces Merit Formula on basis of Matric & 1st Year Marks.

It is necessary to mention that university will also include the entry test marks in the merit but the marks of matric and HSSC part 1 will be included in the absence of HSSC part 2 result, as the 10th and 2nd year annual exams will not be conducted this year and the federal government has already cancelled the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th classes annual exams. The universities may have to change their merit calculation formula this year and they will grant admissions to the students on the basis of their matric, first year and entry test result. Now it is expected that most of the universities will start their admission process during the months of June or July in order to finalize the admission before September so their new classes will be started from 15 September.

HEC Announces Merit Formula on Matric & 1st Year Marks


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Muhammad Jawad
Sir, please tell us about the whole procedure of matric passing candidates who have just given their exams in annual 2020. Sir, actually I got two comports in English and Mathematics 9th class and all my papers other than this were passed. Please tell me about matric result procedure which will announced soon.
Muzaffargarh2020-08-06 07:21:49

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