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Govt Decides to Introduce Digital Prize Bonds

Govt Decides to Introduce Digital Prize Bonds

The federal government has made the decision to introduce the digital prize bond and the transaction of this prize bond will be carried through mobile phone app.

The digital prize bonds will be safe from the theft and the danger of being damaged. When the prizes are announced on these prize bonds, the income tax will be applicable over them while they will be exempted from zakat.

The government will issue the prize bonds worth five hundred, one thousand, five thousand and ten thousand rupees.

The purchasing of the prize bonds will be possible through National Saving mobile phone app or approved channels and the draws will be conducted on the three months basis. The prize money will be transferred directly in the linked bank account.

The digital bonds will be helpful to make the economy documented and the facility of the nomination will be available at the time of buying the prize bonds.

The heirs will be paid the prize money according to the succession certificate.  The expenses of the printing and logistics will be reduced with the issue of paper less bonds.

Click here to check the latest prize bond draw results 2025
latest prize bond draw results 2025

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