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GCUF Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21 Awardees

GCUF Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21 Awardees

Government College University Faisalabad announced Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21. The purpose of this scholarship is to bear the study expenses of poor Muslim students who cant continue their studies due to low financial conditions. After announcement of Scholarship GCUF accepted applications from GCUF Students and selected students who are really deserving for awarding Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21. GCUF is hereby informed to students who applied for Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21 that GCUF has been announced the name of students who are selected for awarding scholarship. The awardees under captioned program are informed to collect their Cheque and submitted their required documents mentioned below in links to Students Financial Aid Office. Submit documents on or before September 06, 2021.

GCUF Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21 Awardees

GCUF Mora Scholarship FY 2020-21 Awardees

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