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Free Online Dictionary in Pakistan

Free Online Dictionary in Pakistan

Dictionary is used to find out the meanings of difficult words for any language. An online dictionary is best way to find the meanings of difficult words frequently rather than using a book of dictionary. You can also use a free Online Dictionary on your smartphone and can search meaning of any word anytime and anywhere.
For the convenience of students and general reader, we provide a best solution to know the meanings of difficult words whether you need meaning of word English to Urdu or Urdu to English or to any language.
English to Urdu dictionary Online can help you if you want to know the meaning of any word in Urdu. Interestingly you can also find a Online Roman Urdu to English Dictionary option here to find meaning of any word typing it in Roman Urdu.

Translate in to Urdu provides the translation of paragraphs, long essays and articles, so you can use this option to translate in to Urdu easily for your ease.
For short forms words, this online Dictionary provides a best way to find out the slangs and abbreviations of words which are given in short forms like USA which stands for United States of America.
For the difficult words given in Urdu and you need its meaning in English, the Urdu to English Online Dictionary is an easy way to do this. You can type any Urdu word and its English meaning will appear in the search result.
For Urdu readers, this dictionary offers a wide range of Urdu words in the form of Urdu Lughat where a wide range of Urdu words are given in Urdu Alphabetical order.
For translating any English essay or topic, there is a free Translate Urdu to English Online option is available here using which you can translate lengthy essays and articles given in Urdu language frequently. Similarly you can use free Translate English to Urdu Online here as well.

Lastly, you can search a wide range of words with idioms using this free dictionary online.

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