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DUHS 3rd Year BSRT Semester V Examination Result 2024

DUHS 3rd Year BSRT Semester  V Examination Result 2024

The Dow University of Health Sciences DUHS in Karachi has announced the much-awaited BSRT Result 2024, marking a significant milestone for candidates of the Radiologic Technology program. Released by the Examinations Department under reference number DUHS/Exm/Result/2024-685 A, this declaration highlights the achievements of students who appeared for the Third Year BS in Radiologic Technology BSRT Semester-V RETAKE Exam 2023, held in February 2024.

The results, presented in a seat number format, showcase the successful performance of candidates in the Clinical Practicum-5 subject. Notably, candidates bearing the listed seat numbers have all passed the examination, demonstrating their proficiency in the respective subject.

It is imperative to note that while the university strives for accuracy in result computation, it reserves the right to rectify any errors that may arise. Candidates are advised to collect their transcripts from their respective colleges and are reminded that typographical errors do not warrant reinterpretation of results in their favor.

This announcement not only acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the candidates but also underscores the commitment of Dow University of Health Sciences to uphold academic standards and celebrate the accomplishments of its students in the field of Radiologic Technology.

DUHS 3rd Year BSRT Semester V Examination Result 2024

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