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Chinese School Children Uniform Sensor Helps Tracking

Chinese School Children Uniform Sensor Helps Tracking

Beijing, The school going children uniform have been made smart in China. The special micro chip is added with their uniforms in order to monitor their movements. Chinese school children uniform sensor helps tracking.
The micro chip on the uniforms of the students of 11 schools of the Chinese province, ‘Gui Zu’ is installed, which records the movements of the children through the global positioning system (GPS) even children go out of the boundaries of the schools.

Two chips are added on the right and left shoulders of the dress of the children and they help the administration of schools and parents to check the movements of their children. As soon as a student goes out of the class room or from the school, they get informed about it. If the students are sleeping, they can get informed. The chips also help to keep their expenses in limit and it manages to maintain the expenses limits through the mobile app.

The manufacturing company said that this uniform is added with latest safety initiatives and it helps to organize the children in the school. However, some people criticized over this dress on the social media. They have the views that the children have their human rights and they need privacy. A man asked the question from the company whether they would be the children and they would be monitored, what they feel?


The work is on progress on the attendance and system to recognize the face through the AI system in the Chinese school. It was also reported that some cameras were installed in the classroom to keep an eye on the children in China.

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