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BISE Abbottabad SSC Special Exams 2021 Schedule

BISE Abbottabad SSC Special Exams 2021 Schedule

Abbottabad, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Abbottabad is going to start their Abbottabad Board matric class special exams 2021 from 25-11-2021. The exams section of Abbottabad Board has announced their BISE Abbottabad SSC Special Exams 2021 Schedule and the candidates are advised to forward their admission forms with the payment of normal fee by 10-11-2021 and the candidates can also forward their admission forms and they will pay the double fee by 15-11-2021 to attend BISE Abbottabad 10th class special exams 2021. The candidates will read the instructions and they should also check the rate of the admission fee, which is varied due to different categories of the students and they will pay their admission fee accordingly. The board will upload the roll no slips of the candidates on 20-11-2021 on their web portal and the candidates can download it from there and bring it in the exams centers for their identification. The candidates will read the instructions and they must comply with them while attending their exams.

You Can Get Schedule From Here:

BISE Abbottabad SSC Special Exams 2021 Schedule

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