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AIOU Announces Changes in BA, ADE, B.Ed & BS Exam Centers

AIOU Announces Changes in BA, ADE, B.Ed & BS Exam Centers

Allama Iqbal Open University is going to start their BA, ADE, B.Ed and BS annual exams from 07-04-2025 in the allotted exams centers on the given schedule. The students can get the detailed information of their exams, provision of roll no slips and others. The students, who want to change their exams centers, they can apply online through their CMS Portal by the final date of 27-03-2025 and the students will avoid sending the hard copy request for the change of the exams centers. The students can get complete updates that AIOU Changes BA/ADE/B.Ed/BS Exams Center.

Provision of Roll No Slips

The students will approach to their CMS portal to download their AIOU Roll Number Slips 2025 by logging in. the students will check the particulars in their admit cards and if there is any mistake, they can get it corrected. The students will provide their roll no slips in the exams centers during their exams to carry out their verification.

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