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Rayyan Ali
How to find merit list
Sargodha2025-01-28 10:41:11
Rai Muhammad Bi
Please tell me when will final interviews of paf college Sargodha of Faisalabad center start?
Sargodha2024-12-22 15:45:25
Rai Bilal
Please inform me when will the final interviews for Faisalabad center start?
Sargodha2024-12-22 15:44:25
Ali Sajjad
Please inform me the merit list of pre cadet PAF Sargodha
Sargodha2024-12-06 06:06:19
Ali Sajjad
Please inform me the merit list of pre cadet PAF Sargodha
Sargodha2024-12-06 06:05:48
What about the merit list of PAF college sargodha for ssession 2024-25 for eight class. No text or call yet received.
Sargodha2024-11-27 14:53:34
When merit of class 8 list was uploaded?
Sargodha2024-11-19 15:40:54
Nisar Ali
Merit list for class 8. When uploaded? And when final interview plans in Rawalpindi?
Sargodha2024-11-17 14:32:58
Muhammad Hassan
How to find merit list of paf sargodah
Sargodha2024-11-10 15:33:02
Muhammad Rayan
Please inform merit list of pre cadet PAF college Sargodha
Sargodha2024-11-08 17:04:22
Muhammad Irfan
bhai dogy ma kia karo 8 ki sargoad paf merit list kha haa ap ko chai ki app os ko samna rikha ke gin popoles na dia ha vo sakon si dikh la na ka ye kari vo kari pher bhi na nikla
Sargodha2024-11-06 17:47:42
Muhammad Irfan
samaj nahi a rahi sargaoda paf merit list aaa gai ha ma faill ho gia hoo mugr mana college valo si poca in na kha tom pass ho magr is app ka kusa samj nahi a rahi or result kha si dikha or final medical or entrview ka result kha si dikho samaj nahi a rahi
Sargodha2024-11-06 17:44:32
Shahid Amir Kha
Sir on which expected date result of PAF college 8 class
Sargodha2024-11-04 15:44:46
Muhammad Irshad
Please send paf college Sargodha merit list recently
Sargodha2024-11-03 12:24:26
Mohammad Ammar
When will be the result of class 8th conducted on date 26/09/2024
Sargodha2024-10-31 17:08:26
Shahid Nadeem
How to know the merit list of PAF sargodha medical results held on 03-10-2024. Awaited
Sargodha2024-10-31 08:16:56
Hamza Ali
Plz paf college sargodha2024 class 8 merit list bhaij dain ni to bta dain kb ay ge 3 nov ko interview date or merit list ai ni to jinka 3 ko interview unko kasy pta chaly ga???
Sargodha2024-10-31 04:54:18
Muhammad Ahmed
Paf sagoda fsd center 25 September 2024 ka result kab aay gaa
Sargodha2024-10-19 17:46:06
paf college multan centre ka result kb aye ga
Sargodha2024-10-16 12:12:58
Muhammad Alman
Plzz send merit list of quetta candidate plzz
Sargodha2024-10-12 10:49:29
Muhammad Hassan
Hostel hy ya nhi or total fee bta day
Sargodha2024-09-06 16:42:18
Muhammad Zahir
resistration process
Sargodha2024-09-02 06:13:06
Ayan Saeed
Plzzz give the merit list of 2023 paf Sargodha 7th class Lahore plzzz
Sargodha2023-12-28 18:15:58
Yasir Abbas
Kindly let me know about when will prospectus available and where can I get
Sargodha2023-03-08 20:28:13
Azad Khan
PAF sarghoda Lahore center k result kB ayy ga
Sargodha2022-11-14 10:21:40
Too good hello you are my friend please give me a merit list of PAF college Sargodha and lower topa
Sargodha2022-09-12 11:16:35
Syed Zohaib Has
I like paf and pak army
Sargodha2021-12-14 11:14:03
sir please show my entry test result admission of class 8th held 10.10.2021 at selection center sukhur my registration No. is NA-36
Sargodha2021-11-19 16:51:56
Nawaf Mirza
Mera dream ha ka ma yaha parho aur yaha officer bano inshallah
Sargodha2021-08-27 18:31:16
Nawaf Mirza
Mera dream ha ka ma yaha parho aur yaha officer bano inshallah
Sargodha2021-08-20 20:07:33
Plz tell me about my merit list 2021.Quetta centre Q0077.CMB PC NO 324
Sargodha2021-03-21 10:00:00

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