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Kashf Ul Eman
I want to confirm my admission for cs and my second option is software engineering
Murree2025-03-01 11:38:28
I have submitted my admission in bs Medical lab technology please confirm my admision.
Murree2024-09-20 10:40:49
Zain Abbasi
Please confirm my admittion for software engineering
Murree2024-08-26 11:48:37
Zainab Nazar
I have submitted my admission in BS tourism hospitality and management please confirm my admission Regards!
Murree2024-08-24 21:51:43
I have submitted my admission in cs and second option as software engineering please confirm my admission
Murree2024-08-24 11:32:22
Muhammad Haris
Please confirm my admission For cs
Murree2024-03-01 07:16:44
Hassam Butt
I have submitted my admissions in bs English and second option as botany please confirm my admissions
Murree2023-08-16 10:26:01
Please confirm my admission
Murree2023-07-17 14:42:33
Aqsa Bibi
I take admission in bs maths as a first option and english as second please confirm my admission
Murree2022-08-15 09:34:10
Please confirm my admission
Murree2022-08-11 13:50:02
Aqsa Bibi
Please confirm my admission
Murree2022-08-09 09:17:15

BISE Results Intermediate & Matric
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