Fg Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School Nawababad Wah Cantt Contact Number Address
FG CHAUDHARY PUBLIC MODEL SECONDARY SCHOOL NAWABABAD WAH CANTT conducts the classes for Matric, SSC etc. It is situated in Wah.Fg Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School Nawababad Wah Cantt Info
Fg Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School Nawababad Wah Cantt Latest News 2025
About Fg Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School Nawababad Wah Cantt
FG Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School, Nawababad Wah Cantt is the well reputed school, which is located in cantonment area in this city. This school is affiliated with Federal Board and educational board approves matric class syllabus and students will study textbooks of different subjects during the academic year. The qualified and highly educated teachers are appointed in this school and they impart quality education to the students so that they can complete their study work and by reading these books, which are recommended and they complete preparation of the exams. The administration of the school does not compromise over quality education and the teaching faculty works hard and they contribute in quality education of the students being study in this school. The newly built class rooms, well equipped laboratories and state of the art library are provided in this school and students can utilize modern equipments to seek knowledge and learning to extend their information about new modern teaching techniques and knowledge, which are needed for 21st century.
When this school announces the admission process in this school, the school administration announces their admission policy and school receives application forms from interested students and after their final selection, the admission fee and other charged are claimed from the newly admitted students. The admissions are granted in the nursery class but admissions can be granted in other classes with subject to availability of seats. The students can note admission process in different classes with eligibility criteria and after that school manages admission tests of the candidates. The interview of the qualifying candidates is managed and administration of the school finalizes selection of the students. The newly admitted students start getting education in the admitted classes. The teachers impart education during the academic year and after ending of the academic year, they manage annual exams of students and on passing the exams, the students are moved to the next grades.
Fg Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School Nawababad Wah Cantt is located at CB 1376 3 Nawababad Wah Cantt. You can find here Fg Chaudhary Public Model Secondary School Nawababad Wah Cantt contact details, address, map location, latest admissions 2025, merit list 2025, result 2025, entry test, ranking, jobs, fee structure and courses and programs offered.