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Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock Contact Number Address

Phone: 051-90994284
Address: MRF Colony، Kamra Kalan, Attock, Punjab 43600

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock Students

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock conducts the classes for Matric, SSC, Inter, HSSC, Bachelor etc. It is situated in Attock.

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock Info

Type Government
Level College
Affiliation FBISE
Category General

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock Latest News 2025

About Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock

Fazaia Degree College MRF Kamra, Attock was established in March 1978. It was upgraded from junior school to middle school later it; was further upgraded to secondary school in 1982, but in 1984 it; was; ;raised to college rank when HSSC classes were started. Later in 1990 it; was declared degree college when first time B. Sc classes were started? According to present number of students in MRF is more than 4200 in various disciplines. With devoted and high-skilled faculty MRF enjoys a dominant place in educational institutions which is giving variety of; education with modern methodology of teaching.

The Fazaia Degree College, Kamra, Attock is affiliated with Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education FBISE, Islamabad. The Fazaia Degree College offers the following courses and programs.

Courses/Program  F. Sc Pre-Medical  F. Sc Pre-Engineering  FA General Science  ICS Bachelors Programs/Courses  BA  B.Sc Science  B.Sc Physics  B.Sc Chemistry  B.Sc Biology  B.Sc Mathematics  B.Sc Computer

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock is located at MRF Colony، Kamra Kalan, Attock, Punjab 43600. You can find here Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock contact details, address, map location, latest admissions 2025, merit list 2025, result 2025, entry test, ranking, jobs, fee structure and courses and programs offered.

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock Map

Fazaia Degree College Mrf Kamra Attock Courses

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Tayyaba Ibrar
if any job in institiute tell me plzz
Attock2024-11-14 11:44:51
M Rayyan
Id no:16690 Class:5 Roll no:16690
Attock2024-10-16 10:57:45

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