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BISE Rawalpindi 9th Class Roll No Slips 2023

BISE Rawalpindi 9th Class Roll No Slips 2023

Rawalpindi, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Rawalpindi starting holding of the BISE Rawalpindi SSC part 1 annual-1 exams 2023. The education board stopped the exams and postponed the papers, which were scheduled from 10-05-2023 to 12-05-2023 in the allotted exams centers. The Rawalpindi Board has announced their BISE Rawalpindi Class 9 1st Annual Exams 2023 Revised Schedule of their postponed papers. Now the exams of the cancelled papers are scheduled from 17-05-2023 to 19-05-2023 in the same exams centers. The time and the venue of the exams will remain same.

The education board will also make the changes in Rawalpindi Board Matric part 1 practical exams 2023. The students can find their BISE Rawalpindi 9th class practical exams 2023 date sheet online, which is made available for the information of the students and they will follow this schedule for the coming exams.

You Can Download Datesheet From Here:
BISE Rawalpindi 9th Class Roll No Slips 2023

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M Ibrahim
Give me roll no slip 2023 Rawalpindi board 9th class
Jhelum2025-01-28 12:18:54
Ifrah Saman
Aoa Im from 10 class . I have lost my previous roll number slip of 9th I want to check my registration number so thats why Im searching it .. kindly if you help me than I will be very thankful.
Chakwal2024-11-09 14:09:15
Ifrah Saman
Aoa Im from 10 class . I have lost my previous roll number slip of 9th I want to check my registration number so thats why Im searching it .. kindly if you help me than I will be very thankful.
Chakwal2024-11-09 14:08:06
Ajwah Kainaat N
Roll numbers of 9th class 2023 list provide please Rawalpindi
Rawalpindi2024-03-19 10:42:02
Ajwah Kainaat N
Roll numbers of 9th class 2023 list provide please Rawalpindi
Rawalpindi2024-03-19 07:36:40
Shahzaib Imtiaz
Roll numbers of 9th class 2023 list provide please
Chakwal2023-08-23 06:22:25

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