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BISE Peshawar Postponement of Exams in Chitral

BISE Peshawar Postponement of Exams in Chitral

Peshawar, Board of intermediate and Secondary Education Peshawar has made the announcement of cancellation of the first three papers on 18-04-2024, 19-04-2024 and 20-04-2024 in the best interest of teachers and students. The Peshawar Board has made this decision after meeting with the Minister and Secretary Elementary and Secondary Education Department, Govt of KPK. The education board has postponed these papers in lower and upper chitral after bad weather conditions, which can endanger the precious lives of the students and teachers. The students and teachers can get latest updates of BISE Peshawar Postponement of Exams in Chitral.

Peshawar Board Exams Revised Date Sheet

The education board Peshawar has also made it clear that the Peshawar Board exams revised date sheet will be issued to the students and their cancelled papers will be managed at the end of the exams. The students will receive the revised schedule of the exams and they will ensure their participation in the exams on the given timetable.

BISE Peshawar Postponement of Exams in Chitral

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