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BISE Multan SSC National Intelligence Scholarships 2019

BISE Multan SSC National Intelligence Scholarships 2019

Multan, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan has already conducted the BISE Multan 10th class annual exams 2019. The exams department of Multan Board has announced their Multan Board SSC class result 2019 and the board administration has awarded the BISE Multan Matric Annual Exams 2019 National Intelligence Scholarships to 54 boy students and 50 girl students. The candidates, who passed their BISE Multan class 10 result 2019, they can visit this page and they can find their names in the list of the scholarship awarding students on the basis of residents, non residents and for the purchase of books per annum. The residential students will get scholarship of Rs.2500/- per month, and non-residential students will get scholarship of Rs.1500/- per month and for the shopping of the books for Rs.3000/- per annum.

You Can Get Bise Multan Scholarship Here.
BISE Multan SSC National Intelligence Scholarships 2019

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Fiza Batool
How i can get scholarchip
Dunyapur2020-10-31 10:40:22

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