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BISE Multan Matric Exams 2021 Sir EP Moon Scholarship 2022

BISE Multan Matric Exams 2021 Sir EP Moon Scholarship 2022

Multan, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Multan has already announced their BISE Multan SSC class annual exams result 2021. On the basis of Multan Board 10th class annual exams result 2021, 8 orphan male and female students are awarded with BISE Multan Matric Annual Exams Sir EP Moon Scholarship 2021. The rate of the scholarship will be Rs.500/- per month. The candidates can visit the official website of Multan Board and they can check their names, college name, secured marks and the roll numbers. If any student has any objection, they can report to the board within 7 days of the issue of this notification.

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Uzair Ahmed
Hi Assalam o alikum My name is uzair ahmed S/o Aijaz ali tunio we live in village we are poor and my fathers death 3 years ago . I want to this scholarship. My ninth results is 431.
Larkana2022-09-10 11:06:23
Uzair Ahmed
Hi Assalam o alikum My name is uzair ahmed S/o Aijaz ali tunio we live in village we are poor and my fathers death 3 years ago . I want to this scholarship. My ninth results is 431.
Larkana2022-09-10 11:06:03

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