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Akram Khan Durrani College Bannu Admission 2023

Akram Khan Durrani College Bannu Admission 2023

Akram Khan Durrani College in Bannu for the admission 2023-24 academic year. Heres a summary of the key details:

Programs Offered: The college is offering FSC First Year in three streams: Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering, and Computer Science.

Application Process:
Alternatively, you can obtain a manual admission form from the college for Rs. 600.
A college registration fee of Rs. 400 is mandatory and should be submitted along with the manual filled admission form.
The last date to apply is 23rd September 2023.
Hostel Accommodation: Hostel accommodation is compulsory for all first-year students.

Written Test: The written test for candidates will be held on 24th September 2023 at 8:30 AM in the college.

Students who have passed the matriculation examination from the college this year must fill out the admission form and complete the registration process for first-year admission, including taking the written test. This does not include Eta students.
Students securing less than 60% marks in matriculation will not be eligible for admission.

Full tuition fee concession will be provided for first position holders from all boards.
Second and third position holders will receive a half fee concession.

Please make sure to visit the college website or contact the college directly for the most up-to-date information and any specific requirements for the application process.

Akram Khan Durrani College Bannu Admission 2023

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Hamza Umer
Tehsil Thati Nasarti Mahalla Zargarna
Karak2023-11-12 08:48:46
Jawad Ali
I want to take admission of 1st year in this college.
North Wazirista2023-09-22 14:19:12

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