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Abbottabad Board 8th Class Enrolment Schedule 2019

Abbottabad Board 8th Class Enrolment Schedule 2019

Abbottabad, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Abbottabad has announced the complete and comprehensive schedule for the enrolment of the students in the class 8. The candidates are requested to submit their admission forms with the payment of normal fee from 11-10-2019 to 11-11-2019 by following Abbottabad Board 8th Class Enrolment Schedule 2019.The candidates are also asked to forward their admission forms with the payment of late fee from 12-11-2019 to 25-11-2019. The candidates will choose the final option to send their admission forms with the deposit of the double fee from 26-11-2019 to 09-12-2019 for BISE Abbottabad Middle class annual exams 2019.  If the school fails to forward their admission forms, they should send their application forms with the payment of Rs.5 per day per student from 10-12-2019 to 31-12-2019. The candidates should read the necessary instructions and they should follow them at the time of sending their admission forms for the coming Abbottabad Board class 8 annual exams 2019.

You Can Get admissions Schedule Here.
Abbottabad Board Middle Enrolment Schedule 2019

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